Our Newest Finance Broker – Meet ‘Smiles and Dials’ Dan!

Invoice Factoring company Uk simply factoring brokers

Daniel Morgan-Jones was a jack of all trades. He’s been a business development executive, philanthropist and coffee maker Now he’s a Commercial Finance Broker.

Dan is usually found nattering away on the phone to both clients and funders earning himself the nickname ‘Smiles and Dials’. He is our newest commercial finance broker and is already making a great impression with customers.

1. What do you do at Simply Factoring Brokers?

I’m a Commercial finance broker who specialises in Invoice Factoring. My main role is to create and maintain relations with businesses both in the UK and further afield (Which sometimes is easier said than done)

2. What’s been your favourite invoice factoring project so far?

Currently working to set up a an invoice finance facility for a client in Dubai – I’m still holding out on the chance for a business trip over there!

3. What’s the best bit of the day for you?

My favourite part of the day is when the first coffee kicks in. I love a great caffeine jolt! The only thing that spurs me on more is when I get a new invoice factoring agreement set up for a customer. It’s good for two reasons – The customer has something they need and I make more money of course!

4. What is your office-friendly beverage of choice?

See above!

5. What do you get up to when you’re not in the office?

Whilst I’m away from the office I try and get outside as much possible. Whether it’s Longboarding or just wandering with my dog.

6. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

It will probably have to be my first job (Sorry Mrs Morris). At the age of 14 i thought being a paper boy would be a breeze. Carrying that cart all the way up and down the hill was no joke.

7. What would you put in Room 101?

Right at this moment? It would have to be the flu. No one likes the flu

8. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you’d buy?

Think it would have to be a flat in London, I’ve always want to live there and winning the lottery might mean I’m finally able to afford it!

9. What does the next year look like for you?

I’ve only just entered the industry but in the past few months I’ve learnt so much. I’m hoping the next twelve months will allow me to make a dent in furthering my development and our expansion plans.

10. What’s the cheesiest line you’ve ever heard in a business meeting?

You can always count on Steve to come out with some crackers, most of which I can’t repeat here!

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